Monday, September 8, 2008

Hiking at Whinray Scenic Reserve

Sunday we drove north of Gisborne to do some hiking at the Whinray Scenic Reserve.  It was a trail basically in the middle of nowhere, except a bunch of sheep farms.  The hike started out with a 42 meter suspension bridge, which immediately got the boys excited (and me a bit nervous!), that went over the Motu River.  Luckily the sun came out as soon as we got there, so we had a nice hike, although the tree cover did keep the sun from warming us up too much. The trail went through native forest that was filled with an abundance of birds, but not much in the way of wildlife, except the boys who would hide behind the trees and pretend they were bears. 

Brad & the Boys on the bridge

This was the view to the west of the bridge...

and the east.

a glimpse of the wildlife we encountered!

1 comment:

Amy_RC said...

I can hear the sheep now, "Baaa-rad, Baaa-rad, Baaa-rad."