Thursday, September 11, 2008

Brad's Excitement at the Beach!

Hello.  Kim is letting me write on the blog today.  Megan and Jarod are here, but I am sure Kim will write about that in other entries.  We went to beach last night after work and I tried out my new surfboard.  I didn't have all that much luck, but it wasn't too bad for my first time out.  I am going to take a few lessons later this month.  When the sun started to set I brought in my board.  I was drying off with Kim, Megan and Jarod and the boys when a Kiwi boy came running up yelling, "Look at the orca!  Look at the orca!".  We looked out to where I had been surfing (or attempting to surf) five minutes ago and saw the 4 foot black dorsal fin of a killer whale.  It was huge.  We never saw its face, but it would come up high enough for us to see its back.  There was one that was right were I was surfing which was only about 75 yards from the shore and there were 3 or 4 farther out.  We talked to the Kiwi boy's dad when we were leaving the beach.  He was about 40 and was a Gisborne native.  He said he had never seen killer whales before today.  Apparently the scent of my succulent American meat had brought them in from parts unknown.  Jarod and I are surfing again today, so I hope they have left.


Lorri said...

Whales, schmales!
My question to you two this fine day is whether or not you can vote from abroad?? How does that work?

evan said...

i hope surfing goes better than fly fishing in colorado. at least falling in the water is expected while surfing... :)


Peggy said...

Dr. Hardin wanted me to let you know that he has officially named me "Cutting Jr." as I apparently committed a "Cutting" while delivering with him when I accidentally let go of the cord and sprayed blood all over the room - luckily (or rather unluckily depending on how you look at it) I was pretty much the only person affected and with a very hurt pride left to go to the call room to shower with blood dripping off my nose. It was quite an experience let me tell you. Glad to see you are enjoying yourself. Take care. Peggy

YamoKS said...

Succulent American meat? Only you would say that Brad! I laughed so hard I about fell out of my chair!
